Fargo Filmmaking

Mike Graten as Harry Potter

Harry Potter (Fake Trailer) (2002) is a short movie created by Tucker Lucas and Danielle Beteen for an A.P. English Class project.

Main Details[]

Plot Summary[]

Preview scenes are shown in a trailer for a fake production of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.

Production Information[]

The movie sprung from a desperate attempt by Danielle Beteen to make a last-minute English project for the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Knowing Tucker Lucas and Mike Graten liked to make movies, she approached them with the idea. It later inspired the two to create the Ressl X (Fake Trailer) short.

Most of the interiors were shot at Ben Franklin Jr. High School.



  • Tucker Lucas.... Writer, Director, Editor, Cinematographer
  • Danielle Beteen.... Producer
  • Story by J.K. Rowling

Other Information[]

Photo Gallery[]

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